

Communal Cohesion

The second paragraph of the Shema teaches us the importance of the communal observance of Judaism.

Traditional Commentaries on the Shema

Commentaries on the three paragraphs of the Shema read Jewish concepts both out of and into the text.

Prayer: Service Of The Heart

Abraham's servant teaches us the power of spontaneous prayer, a concept that challenges our contemporary focus on consistency and conformity.

Watch Our Weekly Tehillim (Psalms) Recitation

Join My Jewish Learning on Facebook each Friday at 5 PM to recite a selection from the Book of Psalms.

Yishtabach: What Lies In Prayer’s Wake

A Hasidic teaching offers a way to understand this prayer that seems to suggest our words of divine praise are inherently insufficient.

‘All That Lives Shall Bless Your Name’

This Nishmat Kol Chai benediction is said at the transition between our preparatory prayers and core elements of the morning service.

Mah Tovu: Seeking the Good

This biblical verse, traditionally recited as one enters a synagogue, has a challenging provenance.

Az Yashir: From Praise to Service

This climactic prayer of Pesukei d'Zimrah leads us to where genuine expressions of divine praise inevitably must: to service of God.

Counting the Solitude

Modelled on the Jewish practice of counting the Omer, this prayer is for those counting their days in quarantine or lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic.

Say Kaddish Online With MJL

Join us six days a week for a live Torah lesson followed by the Mourner's Kaddish.

Modim: A Prayer for Acceptance

This section of the Amidah is understood as one of thanks, but that's not the only way to read it.

How Blessing Children on Shabbat Models Unconditional Love

Like the paradigmatic blessing for rain, the Shabbat practice of blessing children offers the gift of love in exchange for nothing.
