

Why We Say Birkat Hamazon

This series of blessings recited after meals is about much more than just food.

Who Are the Patriarchs and Matriarchs?

The forefathers and foremothers of the Jewish people.

Where to Stream High Holiday Services

How to watch Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayer services online.

Liturgy & Prayers Quiz

How much do you know about liturgy and prayers for regular days, Shabbat and holidays?

Common Prayer Words

50 of the most frequent Hebrew words that appear in the siddur.

Blessing the Children

This Friday night practice is taken from the priestly blessing.

How to Have an Aliyah

What you should know before you're called to the Torah.

Daily Prayer: Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv

What distinguishes the three services from one another?

Everyday Blessings & Rituals

Texts, translations, and transliterations.

Bedtime Shema

Asking God for peace and protection in this evening prayer.

The Priestly Blessing

The meaning and practice of this synagogue ritual.

Sermons in the Synagogue

Rabbinic sermonizing has a long history in Judaism.
