

Havdalah: Celebrating the Uniqueness of the Jewish people

Reveling in uniqueness is wonderful, proclaiming superiority is not.

Birkat Hagomel: A Blessing For Coming through Trauma — and Prevailing

This prayer expresses gratitude for the miracle of healing and full restoration to life.

Elohai Netzor: The Gift of Spaciousness in Prayer

This additional paragraph recited at the conclusion of the Amidah was one of a number of personal meditations the ancient rabbis would recite.

El Adon: Finding God in the Shifting Light

This meditation recited on Shabbat morning is the response of a poetic soul to the daily rising of the sun.

Ahavat Olam and Ahavah Rabbah: How God Shows Us Love

God does not show us love through indulgence or simple tenets of faith, but by illuminating the way to a holy life.

How to Say Modeh Ani

This prayer traditionally recited immediately upon awakening thanks God for the return of the soul.

Asher Yatzar: Giving Thanks for Bodily Imperfections

Even when we aren’t perfectly well, our bodies are still doing countless amazing things.

Veahavta: And You Shall Love

The first paragraph of the Shema offers three models for loving God.

My Security Blanket Tallis

The prayer shawl I chose and loved followed me everywhere -- and then I buried my father in it.

Ata Chonen: A Prayer for Wisdom

If we lack powers of wisdom and discernment, no other request of God really matters.

Adonai Eloheichem Emet: Finding Truth in Our Time

The concluding words of the Shema prayer call us together as a people and as humanity

Hadlakat Nerot: The Spark of Transition

A little fire and a little magic makes the lighting of Shabbat candles a moment to slow down and see things differently.
