Prayer Musings
Mah Tovu: A Reminder of the Jewish Mission
The prophet Isaiah's vision of Israel as a light unto the nations is reflected in this essential Jewish prayer.
Yigdal Orders the World
A prayer that seems to be about certainty turns out to actually be all about doubt and the limits of our own knowledge.
Kedushah d’Yotzeir: A Call to Holiness
This prayer invoking the heavenly angels offers key insights into the purpose of prayer and our broader responsibility as religious people.
Tachanun: Engaging the Mind-Body Connection
In its tone and its language, this daily prayer nods to the themes and postures of the High Holidays.
Ana b’Koach: A Portal to Creation
This enigmatic poem recited almost precisely as Shabbat begins contains a hidden mystical meaning.
S’lach Lanu: An Everyday Prayer for Forgiveness
There is a crucial difference between feeling ashamed of our shortcomings and feeling shame about our unworthiness.
Love Lessons from Lecha Dodi
The mystical poem sung during Kabbalat Shabbat services is a model for our relationship with God -- and with each other.
Ashrei: The Connection Between Trust and Happiness
A curious feature of the poetry of this prayer hints at a key component of the quest for happiness.
Golel Ohr: The Interdependence of Light and Dark
Our praise of God for rolling away the darkness from the light is a statement of faith that while certain times may be hard, they are never eternal.
Why We Recite Yizkor Individually
Much of Jewish ritual is built around collective memory. Yizkor is different.
Pesukei d’Zimra: Preparing Us for Prayer
These "verses of praise" seek to reorient us away from egocentrism.
The Majesty of Adon Olam
This poem, familiar to many worshippers as the closing hymn of the Shabbat service, conveys a complete framework for our relationship to God.