Sephardic Jews
Maimonides’ Home and My Grandmother’s Song
Ladino first cast its magic spell on me in childhood. It always struck me as a graceful, rolling language, one ...
World Traveler Becomes World Musician
What makes a secular Israeli connect to his Jewish identity, roots and spirituality? What makes secular Jew from Jerusalem become ...
Not My Mother’s Matzah Balls: My Moroccan Kitchen
I have often joked that I am the only woman in America who doesn’t cook anything that she grew up ...
The 70 Faces of Shavuot
According to Jewish tradition, the Torah has seventy “faces,” but is still one, unified Torah. On Shavuot, we celebrate the ...
The Gift of Generations: A Mother’s Song
Mom. Mommy. Ima. Madre. Mother. No matter how many ways I say it, the concept still catches me by surprise ...
7 Charoset Recipes to Give Passover an International Flair
Global recipes for your Passover table
Jewish Joy At Carnival
Carnival, Mardi Gras, Carnaval. These words convey exhuberance, dancing, masks, and overflowing joy (and often excess). From Rio to New ...
The Sultan’s Curse
Iris Aluf Medina was born and raised in Turkey and now lives in San Francisco. We met up with this ...
Beyond Latkes: Hanukkah Around the World
Rabbi discusses Jewish Hanukkah Holiday traditions from around the world
Ladino Pregnant Pop
“Ensuenyo Te Vi” Three words that normally don’t go together: Ladino, Pop, Pregnant. But in my world they make a ...
When You’re A Jet You Stay A Jet
“Ashkenazi.” “Sephardic.” As a kid, wandering around the kiddish reception at our shul collecting cellophane ruffle-topped toothpicks in a plastic ...
Double Vision
Perhaps after I was born, someone sneaked into the hospital nursery and instead of snatching me, stood above me and ...