Sephardic Jews
Hunting Family Ghosts
The moment the cardboard box from New York arrived, I felt a strange mixture of elation and melancholy. The package ...
Adventures in the Cartoon Trade: Israel, US, and Everywhere Else
When I walked down the airplane gangplank for the first time in Ben Gurion airport, I immediately noticed the baggage handlers ...
Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte
On April 11, 1649, Tomas Trevino de Sobremonte was burned at the stake in Mexico City, a victim of the Inquisition. His crime: practicing the rites and ceremonies of the
Mizrahi Film
Four films that illustrate and illuminate the culture of Israel's Mizrahi citizens
Sephardic Customs During Shiva
A number of Sephardic shiva customs involve individual and communal study.