Ask the Expert

Questions from readers with answers from experts.


Ask the Expert: Can Jews Hang Wreaths On Their Doors?

While wreaths are often associated with Christmas, their history goes back farther.

Ask the Expert: Is There a Jewish Blessing for Seeing a Solar Eclipse?

Solar eclipses have traditionally been understood by Jewish tradition as bad omens.

Ask the Expert: Are Any Jewish Rituals Forbidden During the Conversion Process?

Taking on new rituals is part of converting to Judaism, and your rabbi is there to guide you.

Ask the Expert: Can I Sit Shiva For Anyone?

Can I sit shiva for someone I'm not obligated to mourn for?

Ask the Expert: Will We Still Need Rabbis if the Temple Is Rebuilt?

The Third Temple would raise many questions about Jewish practice.

Ask the Expert: Can I Make Kiddush on a Jell-O Shot?

If a Jell-O shot is made from kosher wine, can it be used for Kiddush on Shabbat?
