Beliefs & Practices
Menstruation and “Family Purity” (Taharat Ha-Mishpacha)
An act of will is required to turn our thoughts back to the sacred after a bodily event has focused our attention on the very physical here-and-now.
Modesty (Tzniut)
Discretion in appearance and speech is designed to protect our souls from assault by a coarse world.
Medieval Jewish Attitudes Toward Women
In the Middle Ages, a Jewish woman's social well-being was considered important, but her life was strictly guided by Jewish law.
Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies
Considering the role of gender in producing knowledge about Judaism.
Halakhah and Feminism
Traditional Judaism can--and should--embrace feminism to allow for greater equality in Jewish religious life.
Jewish Minor Fast Practices
Many of the stringent restrictions that apply on Tisha B'Av and Yom Kippur do not apply to the minor fasts.
Pe’ah: The Corners of Our Fields
Rabbinic commentators interpreted the law of leaving the corners of one's field for those in need in light of their own concerns about the poor.
Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World
This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.
Issues in Jewish Business Ethics
How insider trading and intellectual property theft are viewed.
Is There a Jewish Afterlife?
Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die.