Beliefs & Practices


Jewish War & Peace 101

Jewish tradition takes it for granted that war is an inevitable part of human existence.

Prohibited Sexual Relationships

Jewish law forbids a number of sexual relationships beyond incest and adultery.

Does Judaism Allow Birth Control?

The Jewish tradition encourages procreation, but some forms of contraception are less problematic than others.

Adultery in Judaism

In Judaism, adultery is considered one of the most grievous sins.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Suffering is meaningless unless you decide otherwise.

Visiting the Sick: Bikkur Cholim

The importance of this act is emphasized in daily prayers.

Modern Jewish Views of God

Modernity raised serious challenges for traditional conceptions of God.

Maimonides’ Conception of God

The Guide for the Perplexed tells us more about what God isn't than what God is.

How to Talk to Your Kids About God

Most young children have some concept of God. It is important to respond to their questions with sophistication and honesty.

Jewish Views on Stem Cell Research

The stem cells most likely to be of scientific value come from discarded embryos. Is it ethical to use these?

Hiddur Mitzvah: The Case for Beautiful Ritual Objects

Aesthetically pleasing Judaica enhances holiday celebration.

Did God Write the Bible?

Evidence indicates that the Bible, in the form we have it, is a human document, but that does not mean it is not sacred.
