Beliefs & Practices
What Judaism Says About Reincarnation
The notion that souls can be reborn after death figures prominently in Jewish mysticism.
How To Visit the Sick, in Judaism
A rabbi offers advice about how to perform the mitzvah of visiting the sick with wisdom, discretion, and sensitivity.
The Feminist Critique of God Language
A survey of Jewish feminist challenges and responses to traditionally male language for God.
Early Jewish Conceptions of God
Early Jewish literature was not concerned with proving God's existence or categorically defining God's nature.
About God in Judaism
Before we can begin speaking about God, we need to speak about speaking about God.
Brit Milah (Bris): Some Laws and Customs
10 things to know about--and think about--when planning a brit milah ceremony.
Circumcision is a Difficult Rite
Circumcision, with all its pain, reminds us of our partnership with God and the pain of fixing a broken world.
Mystical Explanations for the Existence of Evil
According to the kabbalists, evil is a bi-product of the relationship between humans and the sefirot, God's manifested attributes.
Biblical and Rabbinic Responses to Suffering
Early Jewish writers were more concerned with the randomness of suffering than with its actual existence.
A Traditional Jewish Approach to the Problem of Evil
Jewish thinkers have long struggled to understand why the righteous suffer. Here are some of their answers.