Beliefs & Practices


Judaism and Surrogate Motherhood

Rabbis across the denominational spectrum question the morality of surrogacy, but some believe that these concerns can be allayed.

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Some Biblical and Rabbinic Sources

The Torah prohibits murder, and the Talmud maintains the prohibition on active killing, even with the terminally ill.

Some Modern Views on Euthanasia

Contemporary Jewish thinkers have expressed a wide range of opinions about the permissibility and parameters of euthanasia.

Artificial Insemination in Jewish Law

Most rabbis permit artificial insemination using the husband's semen, but donor insemination raises more complicated questions.

The Chosen People

How does the concept of the uniqueness and choseness of the Jewish people inform our relationship with God and with non-Jews?

Men’s Head Covering in Synagogue: Reform Judaism’s Views

Changing ideas about whether men should wear a kippah (skullcap) during prayer reflect development and maturation of American Reform attitudes toward tradition.

Jewish Law and Nuclear Warfare

Judaism prohibits military action that will result in a colossal number of casualties.

The Holocaust: Responding to Modern Suffering

The events of the Holocaust put the problem of suffering at the fore of Jewish theological discourse.

Kashrut & Reform Judaism

A look at what, if any, aspects of this practice are relevant for modern Reform Jews.

Kabbalah and Hasidism

The Hasidic movement of the 18th century embraced the mystical texts from an earlier era.

God in the Age of Reason

Hermann Cohen and his student, Franz Rosenzweig, stressed the ethical implications of God.

Jewish Answers to Suffering and Evil

If the Torah guarantees rewards to the righteous, why do some righteous people suffer?
