Beliefs & Practices


Hasidic Wisdom for Managers

Ancient Jewish wisdom can help you thrive in business — really!

Marit Ayin: Avoiding the Appearance of Violating the Law

According to this rabbinic principle, doing the right things matters — and so does appearing to do the right thing.

Ask the Expert: Is It OK to Wear a Tallit Outside of Morning Services?

Is the Jewish prayer shawl reserved only for times of prayer?

Living a Judaism That Is Outside the Box but Inside the Experience

There might be underlying principles that would have some determining factor on whether we felt like we belonged in a particular group or context

Jewish Rituals for All

Why would a non-Jew want to go to the mikveh?

Large Multicultural Family Finds a Jewish Home In North Carolina

Though they did not start off life as Jews, Puah Millsaps and her multiracial family have never felt more welcome ...

Calling Me a LibTarded B—– Won’t Help

Recently someone called me a libtarded b—- in the course of a Facebook discussion regarding the president’s executive order reinstating ...
