Beliefs & Practices


The Transmigrating Soul: A Yiddish Folktale

The Transmigrating Soul. Jewish Reincarnation. Jewish Life After Death. Jewish Afterlife and Eschatology. Jewish View on Next Life. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs

Immortality of the Soul

Though the survival of the soul after death is hinted at in the Hebrew Bible, it became an explicit doctrine only in the early centuries of the Common Era.

Ordaining Gays and Lesbians: Denominational Approaches

Among each of the movements, admitting gay and lesbian students has been a cause of debate, concern...and learning.

The Afterlife in Judaism: Modern Liturgical Reforms

Amending prayers that mention resurrection to accord with modern sensibilities.

Jewish Resurrection Gets New Life

By the second century at the latest, belief in resurrection had entered Jewish liturgy and legal writing.

Abraham Abulafia & Ecstatic Kabbalah

One strand of medieval kabbalah focused on achieving a transformative mystical experience.

Peace: Jewish Traditional Sources

The concept of peace is deeply ingrained in the Jewish legal and ethical system.

Responding to the Free Will Problem in Judaism

Responses to Jewish Free Will Problem. Jewish Free Will. Jewish Choice and Determinism. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

Reinterpreting Mysticism and Messianism

Yehuda Liebes has revolutionized our understanding of the Zohar and underscored the relationship between kabbalah and Christianity.

Maimonides’ Eight Levels: A Contemporary Reading

Jeff Spitzer mines Maimonides' 8 levels of Tzedakah for guidance on contemporary issues in tzedakah.

Emunah: Biblical Faith

In the Torah, faith in God means trust, not belief in particular propositions.

Jewish Philosophy and Philosophies of Judaism

It is more accurate to speak of Jewish philosophies than of a single Jewish philosophy.
