Beliefs & Practices


What Is Shmita, the Sabbatical Year?

The Torah calls for Jews to work the land six years and let it rest in the seventh.

From Looking Jewish to Being Jewish

Cultural anthropologists call it ‘going native’. You find yourself in the field as a participant observer of your host culture ...

Myth or Fact Quiz

Can you tell Jewish truth from fiction?

Jewish Ritual Objects Quiz

How much do you know about objects that help Jews perform mitzvot and live Jewish lives?

Should Girls Wear Kippot? The Answer Will Surprise You!

To have fully egalitarian practices must we have the same standards for both boys and girls?

Ask the Expert: Standing in Shul

How do I know when to stand and when to sit?

What Is A Kippah?

Also known as a yarmulke or skullcap, a kippah is a headcovering for Jews.

Ask the Expert: Kosher Symbols

How to decode the different kosher labels.

What Is A Mikveh?

Whether you're dunking for conversion or for any other reason, here's what to expect at the ritual bath.

Ask the Expert: Graven Images

Is it okay to paint or sculpt the human form?

Reinterpreting the Mikveh

Making it relevant today.
