Beliefs & Practices
Jewish Views on Organ Donation
Jewish views on organ donation are overridden by a single halakhic (legal) concept: pikuach nefesh—the Jewish obligation to save lives.
Ultra-Orthodoxy and Organ Donation
After learning the results of an experiment involving a decapitated sheep, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach decided to permit organ donations.
Jewish Genes and Anti-Semitism
Some worry that the discovery of "Jewish" genetic diseases will negatively affect the image and treatment of Jews.
Jewish Views on Partial Birth Abortion
Most (but not all) rabbinic authorities consider "partial birth abortion" on the same terms as other abortions.
The Soul of a Fetus
In Judaism, the question of when "ensoulment" takes place is both unanswerable and irrelevant to the issue of abortion.
The Gerona Circle of Kabbalah
Influential kabbalists like Rabbi Azriel and Jacob ben Sheshet were, at times, criticized for their work.
Merkavah Mysticism in Rabbinic Literature
In the Talmud and midrash, visions of the Divine Throne are achieved by studying the Torah.
Traditional Sources on Sexual Pleasure
Some classical Jewish statements about sex might surprise you.
Rejecting Halakhah
Some Jewish thinkers condone homosexuality, despite the condemnation of homosexual sex in Jewish law.
Passageless Rites
While some meaningful life events go by without any ritual to mark them, too often rituals take place without the participants experiencing any significant meaning.