

Abraham Isaac Kook

A radical Orthodox rabbi, poet and mystic who devoted his life to synthesizing some of the most complex and contradictory trends in Jewish tradition.

Who Was Henrietta Szold?

The Hadassah founder was an educator, humanitarian and Zionist.

King Saul

Israel's first king was a controversial ruler.

The Israel Defense Forces

Service is compulsory for most Jewish Israelis.

The Second Intifada Begins

In September 2000, a new wave of violence erupted.

Occupier and Occupied

At the front lines of trying to build Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Do Jews Own the Land of Israel?

We dwell on the land at God's pleasure, always on condition.

The Closer You Are, The Less You See

It took a Protestant pastor from Reston, Virginia to introduce me to my Palestinian neighbors. It happened two years ago, and it changed my life.

What Are Judaism’s Lost Tribes?

Who were they and where are they now?
