Jewish Culture


Jewish Film Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish films, actors, directors and stories?

Jewish Music Quiz

How much do you know about Jewish music?

Jews in Television in the 2000s

From Larry David to Sarah Silverman.

Sholem Asch

A writer who bridged both Old World and New, but fit into neither.

Jewish Schnorrer Jokes

The best jokes about beggars and moochers.

Schlemiel Jokes

Is this character a fool or just unlucky?

Mel Brooks’ Best Clips

Highlights from the comedic producer's funniest movies.

Fanny Brice

Few Jewish comedians have made such a significant contribution to both Jewish humor and popular culture as this daughter of saloon-owning immigrants.

American Jewish Humor in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s

Jerry Lewis, Woody Allen, Lenny Bruce and More

Jewish Dance

In the Bible, dance was an expression of joy, awe and worship.

Jews in Hollywood, 1930-1950

American Jews and the making of the movie industry.

Sarah Silverman

A Jewish comedian delivers bigotry with a smile.
