Ancient/Medieval Jewish History
Caro’s Codificatory Approach
The disparate opinions in Caro's Bet Yosef and the bottom line decisions in his Shulhan Arukh combined to create the halakhic code par excellence.
Commentaries on the Mishneh Torah
The Mishneh Torah sparked the creation of extensive and voluminous commentary.
Critical Reactions to Mishneh Torah
Maimonides' two main critics, Rabad and Asheri, argued that multiplicity of opinions is a positive and vital force in Jewish law.
Goals of the Mishneh Torah
In order to make his code categorical and prescriptive, Maimonides deliberately omitted sources and did not reference his predecessors.
What Maimonides Means to Me
Beyond just his great volume of work, inspiration from the life of the
Biblical and Rabbinic Attitudes Toward Non-Jews
Early Jewish texts affirmed the universal fraternity of humankind, while asserting the importance of Jewish distinctiveness.
539 BCE to 632 CE: The Story
Overview of the basic story of Jewish history from 539 BCE through 632 CE.
2500 BCE to 539 BCE: The Story
Jewish History from the beginning through the Babylonian exile.