Israel History


Hadassah: The Women’s Zionist Organization

From its founding in 1912, Hadassah advocated a program of social feminism that addresses women of all backgrounds.

Jews and Arabs in British Mandate Palestine

During the interwar period, the two populations struggled to lay claim to the land.

The Goldstone Report

A report on the Gaza War that caused a lot of friction in Israel.

The Law of Return

An immigration policy to ensure a Jewish majority in the State of Israel.

Law of Return 5710/1950

Determining who has the right to make Aliyah.

Hatikvah, the National Anthem of Israel

With lyrics written in 1886, Hatikva means "the hope."

The Oslo Accords

Israel and the Palestinians pursue peace.

The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel

The full text of Israel's May 14, 1948 declaration of independence.

Text of the British White Paper of 1939

Restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine.

The British Mandate in Palestine

The emergence, structure, and function of the mandatory government from 1923-1948.

Baruch Goldstein

The perpetrator of the Hebron massacre is both vilified and celebrated.

Chabad Messianism

Messianism in Chabad-Lubavitch challenges Jews of all denominations to consider the limits of Jewish theology.
