Proximity and Repair
Even if we are unable to fully fix what's broken, we can begin to make a difference by stepping forward.
The Limitations of Self-Denial
We must use our gifts of wealth, education, and influence to improve conditions for the poor and powerless.
Shepherd Consciousness
The thoughts of a shepherd may be sublime, but they cannot take him away from the task at hand.
Why Jacob Returns for His Small Vessel
Jacob views material possessions as essential and indispensable.
When Jacob Reconciled with Esau
Jacob is surprised to learn that even with estranged family members, reconciliation is possible.
Jacob Out In The World
Jacob is a force for positive change in the midst of a frustrating material world.
Digging Wells, Conserving Water
Now is the time for the Jewish people to respond to regional and global concerns about water scarcity.
Praying in the Fields
For Isaac, praying in nature was a crucial element of worshipping the Divine.
A Lesson in Hospitality
If people don't feel comfortable in the community, they won't stay long enough to enjoy its richness.