
Creating Sacred Space

Commentary for Parshat Terumah: Exodus 25:1-27:19

The Death Penalty and Conservative Judaism

Beware of selective Bible-passage quoting.

The Word Made Animate

Seeking the living soul of our sacred texts.

Torah Like Water

A creative interpretation yields a valuable lesson about the vital importance of Torah to the Jewish people.

The Darkness

The power of the final plagues.

Symbolic Names

The name Gershom, and the word for Hebrew, Ivri, carry a message about what it means to be Jewish.


Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, asks important questions that address the theological crisis following the Jewish exile.

Ezra and Nehemiah

Those who returned from Babylonia sought to reclaim Judah's former glory, despite major challenges.

Biblical Wisdom Literature

Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes.

Hosea & Amos: Prophets to the North

Hosea and Amos share prophetic concern for a nation in turmoil.

Isaiah ben Amoz: Political Prophet (Isaiah: 1-39)

Isaiah's greatness lies not only in his ethical teachings, but in his central involvement — and prophetic intervention — in the political events of his day.

Joel: Misplaced Prophet of the Locust Plague

Joel vividly portrays the dependence of human life upon God's favor.