


In a disorderly, violent time, as Israel fought for land and survival, Deborah was called--and stepped forward--to aid her people.

Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: Back in the Land

These three prophets are principally concerned with the status of the Temple, the new religious hierarchy, and the religious obligations of the post-exilic community.

The Book of Ezekiel

The controversial Book of Ezekiel nearly didn't make it into the biblical canon, but it has had a lasting impact on both liturgical practice and mystical traditions.

Micah the Prophet

Micah spoke out against the oppression of the people by both spiritual and secular leaders.

Book of Numbers

The harsh environment of the wilderness lead to Israel's spiritual development as a nation.

Jeremiah: Prophet of Judgment and of Hope

Jeremiah's tragic message is conveyed by both his prophecies and account of Jerusalem's destruction, but he also gives his people hope.

D’var Torah Dos and Don’ts

Factor your audience's expectations and the limits of their patience into your presentation about the Torah portion.

Sarah and the Akedah

A mother's response to the near-death of her son

Sarah in the Bible

How historical evidence shapes our understanding of this biblical matriarch.

Parashat Balak: Summary

Cursing and blessing the Israelites.

The Lesson of Habakkuk

An interpretation of this reading explains why Israel received God's revelation.

If Not Now, When?

Rashi understands Moses' final words to the people as an expression of Hillel's philosophy of self-examination.
