

Strength In Numbers

The commandment to gather every seven years for a communal Torah reading reinforces the spirit of unity and commitment among the people.

Remember, Don’t Forget!

The many commandments in Judaism relating to remembering both positive and negative experiences motivate us to work towards redemption.

Pursuing Justice For All

True justice balances the needs of a whole group, rather than just the individual.

Balance Of Power

The Torah takes care to limit the power of both the kingship and the priesthood, the formal institutions of leadership and governance in ancient Israel.

Seeing Is Believing

Parashat Re'eh calls our attention to our ability to choose the directions of our lives.

All-Inclusive Covenant

Moses tells the Children of Israel that the covenant includes all of them, including the pious and faithful as well as the rebellious and confused.

What To Do With Wayward Children?

Tough love from the Torah, and the rabbis' attempts to mitigate it.

Social Responsibilities

Our decisions to ignore or respond to members of our communities who are in danger determine the justice and morality of our society.

The Chosen People

How does the concept of the uniqueness and choseness of the Jewish people inform our relationship with God and with non-Jews?

Renewing Love for God

Loving God, like loving people, requires the commitment of our intellect, emotions, and actions.

Perceptions Of Justice

People's perceptions of a society are often based on that society's judicial system.

Affirming And Spreading Our Core Values

The final commandments in the Torah, to gather as a community to hear the Torah and to write down a spiritual legacy, encourage us to re-engage with our core values.
