

Knowing One’s Place, Knowing One’s Time

Why is Moses reluctant to hand over leadership to Joshua?

Words Of Admonition

Moses at the end of his life rebukes the Israelites, who are receptive to his criticisms.

Lost Stories

The list of the Israelites' encampments during their journeys in the wilderness reminds us of the importance of preserving and retelling our own stories.

Some Messages Are Hard To Deliver

The severity of the war against the Midianites should motivate us to examine our own behavior and root out our own forms of idolatry.

Bringing The Torah Home

The Torah and its lessons are always within our reach.

One Small Step

Fulfilling the directive to repair the world begins in our own mouths and hearts.

Discovering The Relationship Between Curses And Blessings

By viewing the troubles and joys of our lives as part of a continuum we can uncover blessings even in the most challenging curses.

Private Feelings, Public Consequences

The activities for which people are cursed by God directly are those committed in secret.


Before the Children of Israel enter the land, Moses cautions them against self-deception, an appropriate warning for the High Holidays as well.

It’s The Joy, Not The Oy

Our religious and spiritual experiences of serving God should be joyful and uplifting.

History And Memory

The ritual of the first fruits provides an example of the tension surrounding forgetting and remembering crises and miracles in our history.

Zionism And First Fruits

The speech that farmers recited when bringing their first fruits to the Temple articulates the Zionist message.
