

Law, Not Love, Is The Opposite Of Hate

Law is essential to Judaism, establishing an external set of moral guidelines.

To Be Holy For God You Have To Be Wholly For God

The commandment to be wholehearted with God requires us to devote our entire beings sincerely to God.

Child Laborers: The Torah Will Not Let Us Rest Until They Do

Our society is judged on the basis of how we treat our most vulnerable members.

All Is Not Fair In Love And War

By linking the incident of the female prisoner of war to the hated wife and rebellious child, Rashi encourages us to consider the consequences of treating others as objects.

Justice And Communal Responsibility

The instructions to pursue justice and practice communal responsibility should motivate us to constantly improve our efforts to alleviate the crises that affect our people.

Communal Cohesion

The second paragraph of the Shema teaches us the importance of the communal observance of Judaism.

Gentle Rebuke Can Lead To Return

Moses' sensitive rebuke of the Israelites teaches us that we can always return and renew our relationship with God and religion.

My Word

The laws of vows teach that our words have the power to create holiness between us.

The Limits Of Leadership

Pinchas' violent act raises questions about the extent of any leader's authority.

Who’s Next? The Change And Challenge Of Leadership

The transition in leadership from Moses to Joshua provides us with a model for contemporary changes in leadership.

Crimes of Passion

Only a passionate zealous act can respond adequately to sins and crimes of passion.

Finding Ourselves Through Others

What are the consequences, or even the possibility, of separating ourselves from our communities, like Korach did?
