

To Serve With Distinction

Korach's rebellion was based on his inability to appreciate the value of diversity and distinctiveness.

Anger Management

God punished Korah for his inability to channel his anger into productive protest.

Institutionalizing Freedom

The combination of Moses' vision and Korach's organizing skills is an instructive model for successful coalition building.

Josephus’s Version of Esther

A public relations piece for Jews?

How the Book of Esther Changed

Several Greek versions of the Purim story survive, along with the biblical text we read today.

On This Day God Calls To You

Parashat Nitzavim teaches us the importance of viewing ourselves as partners in a dialogue with God.

Highest Standards

Because of his position of leadership, Moses is judged extremely harshly when he sins.

Seeing Their Faces But Not Their Doors

The Israelites' dwellings in the wilderness provide us with a model for ensuring the existence and dignity of housing for all members of society.

Not Seeing Is The Sin

Like Balaam, we should open our eyes to seeing the problematic paths we take in life.

Selfish Revolution

Korach and his followers masked their quest for personal power and gain as a desire for an egalitarian, democratic society.

The Morning After

Following the deaths of Korach and his followers, Aaron stands between the Angel of Death and the Israelites.

It’s In The Blood

The Torah's abhorrence for consuming blood may have led to the Jewish people's abhorrence for shedding it.
