Money Is Tainted
Yitro tells Moses that only people of integrity, who themselves would never engage in legally questionable business dealings, are qualified to serve as judges.
Parents Make It To The Top 10
The complex ways in which parents serve as our bridge between God and the world.
How We Hear
Jewish tradition places great emphasis on the way in which we hear and how we interpret the messages we receive.
A System of Justice and the Details of a Moral Life
Establishing an equitable human judicial system is the necessary condition for receiving the divine moral wisdom of the Torah.
Portable Holiness
Holiness derives from encounters with God in Torah study; it is not intrinsic to locations like Mount Sinai.
What Are You Yelling At Me For?
Moses' challenge as a leader was to learn the difference between the Israelites' expressions of fear and rebellion.
When Miracles Are Not Enough
The transformation into a sacred people occurs not through miracles but rather through steady education, discipline and communal reinforcement.
Keeping Faith
Just as the Israelites maintained their faith through nine plagues, we too should develop our ability to have faith in times of darkness.
Learning Through Teaching
By teaching our children about the Exodus, we gain a greater appreciation and more profound understanding of it ourselves.
Beyond Victors and Victims
The image of God as a nurturer, working with people to bring forth food, allows us to move beyond the violence of the Red Sea crossing.
What’s In A Name?
Just as the introduction of God's new name represents a shift in our relationship with God, our different names and titles also symbolize different relationships and interactions.