Meeting The Faces Of Need
By personally handing out rations, Joseph established a human connection and involvement with those for whom he provided.
Feeling The Presence Of God
God's presence at Jacob's deathbed teaches us that our reactions to the situations in which we find ourselves determine our spiritual perceptions.
Don’t Be Quarrelsome On The Way
Joseph's warning to his brothers not to quarrel on their way instructs us as well in our relationships with our families and the larger Jewish community.
From Fratricide To Fraternal Solidarity
The Joseph story provides us with a domestic model for our national ability to move through reconciliation to solidarity.
The Redemption of Judah
Judah's plea to Joseph is a sign of his personal growth and ability to empathize with his father's grief.
Struggling With Monotheism
Jacob and his family's evolving relationship with God illustrates the complex struggle with faith and monotheism.
Exile and Survival: Jacob’s Legacy
Jacob and the Jewish people have learned powerful lessons from the experience of exile.
Controlling Love
Joseph teaches us to temper love with a sense of duty and a knowledge of right and wrong.
The Challenge Of Changing
Despite Jacob's negative experiences with favoritism, he repeats this trait in his own family and home.
Being Truly Present To God And People
We can learn from Jacob's encounter with Esau to meet others as we would meet God.
Before The Law: Creating Real Systems Of Justice
Parashat Vayeshev teaches us the importance of ensuring that we enact justice in light of the ease with which our systems of justice can be abused.
Improving Our Speech
The consequences of what we say are extremely far-reaching, demanding that we choose our words carefully.