Before The Law: Creating Real Systems Of Justice
Parashat Vayeshev teaches us the importance of ensuring that we enact justice in light of the ease with which our systems of justice can be abused.
Improving Our Speech
The consequences of what we say are extremely far-reaching, demanding that we choose our words carefully.
Laban’s Excuse: Labor Ethics and Community Standards
Laban and Jacob's business relationship teaches us about the importance of ensuring ethical working conditions.
God Was In This Place And I Did Not Know
Jacob's response to his dream provides us with two models of discovering God's presence.
Anatomy Of An Enemy
Amalek's personal history may have fueled his descendants' anger towards the descendants of Abraham.
Children And Deferred Dreams
Reflected in the names of her children, Leah grows to recognize her own worth, independent of Jacob's feelings for her.
I Have A Dream…
Jacob's response to his dream teaches us to turn our dreams into visions and our visions into reality.
The Complexity Of Creation
Recognizing that Creation and many natural phenomena are clouded in mystery can actually enrich our lives with meaning.
Why Rebecca Pushed Jacob to Get Esau’s Blessing
Rather than dividing the spiritual and physical blessings between Jacob and Esau, Rebecca saw the need for Jacob to receive both.
Zionism: A Call To Awe And Compassion
Abraham's relationship to the Land of Israel teaches us to use it as a means of building a just and compassionate society.
Valuing Kindness
Abraham and Rebecca, known for their kindness, are strong role models for us.