

Preparing for an Unknown Future

The Torah law about the red heifer was given because it anticipated the temporal nature and limitation of what Miriam had to offer.

Authority and Dissent

The Torah articulates norms about legitimate dissent and authority's reasonable response to it.

A Blessing for an Activist Community

Inspired by the priestly benediction.

The Priestly Benediction

Those who link themselves with God and the people of Israel will indeed be blessed.

From Regulation to Relation

Relationships between the individual and the Divine are indeed possible.

An Invitation into the Tent

We must pursue a vision of Judaism wherein all Jews feel comfortable entering the tent, and inviting outsiders as well.

Moving Towards Redemption

The messages of hope and togetherness in Vayakhel and Pekudei prepare us for Passover.

Shabbat as an Anchor

Ki Tisa highlights how Shabbat is a gift to the Jewish people and the world.

Instructed To Curse, Inspired To Bless

He came to curse, and ended up reciting a blessing so beautiful it is prominent in our liturgy.

Stories of Our Ancestors

The midrash rounds out the biblical figures Abraham and Sarah

Pinchas and Intermarriage

The Torah portion deals with intermarriage, a phenomenon with contemporary resonance.

The Order of Disorder

A word and its opposite may be one and the same.
