Murder And Atheism
In claiming power over human lives, a murderer denies that God alone possesses that power.
God And The Angel: Leaders And Protectors
The images of the angel of God and the pillar of cloud accompanying the Israelites in the desert raise questions about effective leadership.
The Source Of Spirituality
The glorification of God in the Song at the Sea provides us with several models of attaining spirituality.
Brothers Bringing Redemption
Moses and Aaron play complementary roles in communicating God's message of redemption to both the Children of Israel and to Pharaoh.
Defining Service Of God
As the Israelites transition from being servants of Pharaoh to servants of God, they acknowledge that God will instruct them in how to best serve God.
The Bumpy Road To Redemption
The complicated beginnings of the Exodus from Egypt establish the expectation that redemption is often not a smooth process.
Preparing For Exile
Joseph used his position of rulership to help his brothers develop coping skills for their upcoming exile.
Blaming Society
We should strive to emulate Abraham and Isaac rather than emulating Laban, who compartmentalized his values.
What Is Your Blessing?
Jacob blessed his sons, not only according to each of their characters, but also with a unique piece of himself.
The Deeper Meaning Of A Name
In naming his sons, Joseph communicates his thoughts on living in Egypt, alone and distant from his family.
Leadership Traits
Judah merits the position of kingship because of his ability to acknowledge and overcome his mistakes.