

Introduction to the Book of Daniel

Filled with fantastic visions and miraculous escapes, Daniel is concerned with foreign persecution and the end of days.

The Secret Connection Between Hanukkah and the Book of Daniel

Jewish tradition records two very different approaches to dealing with the religious persecutions of Antiochus IV.

What the “Writing on the Wall” in the Book of Daniel Really Means

The phrase shows up in popular culture as synonymous with fatalistic warning, but it has a much deeper meaning for Jews.

Psalms for Every Day of the Week

Why Jewish tradition prescribes a particular psalm for each day.

Five Romantic Quotes from Song of Songs

Looking for a way to express your love biblically? Look no further than Song of Songs.

Ruth’s Radical Family

The biblical Book of Ruth celebrates chosen family.

The Key Word of the Book of Lamentations

Eicha is both the Hebrew title of this biblical book and the word that best helps us understand what it really means.

Quotes from the Jewish Bible about Peace

The Hebrew Bible has no shortage of beautiful expressions about yearning for peace.

Torah as the Blueprint for the World

A closer look at the famous midrash that opens the collection Genesis Rabbah.

The 10 Best Quotes from the Book of Proverbs

This biblical book of sayings and advice is full of wisdom.

What Does ‘Torah’ Mean?

Not just the Five Books of Moses, torah can refer to a single teaching — or all of Jewish tradition.

Wisdom Is a Woman

The Book of Proverbs wants us all to pursue wisdom. But what is that exactly?
