Huldah the Prophetess
Without her, we wouldn't have the fifth book of the Torah.
Understanding the Sotah Ritual
The trial by ordeal prescribed for a woman suspected of infidelity is unparalleled anywhere else in the Torah.
Shir Hashirim: Joining Human and Divine Love
Song of Songs is unique among biblical texts for its pure expression of love.
Faith Took Abraham Far — Love Took Him Even Farther
The first Jew is widely regarded as a man of faith, but he was also a man of deep love.
King David, Batsheva and #MeToo
If Batsheva had had the chance, the tweet would have written itself, but we never heard her side of the story.
Torah That is “Near to You”
The text is eternal because of its adaptability — not its unchanging nature.
What Do We Do About Violence in the Torah?
Why do we draw so many conclusions about each other’s religious traditions from small excerpts of text?
A Failed Rebellion
This biblical power structure — and struggle — in Korach may offend our democratic sensibilities.
An Angel is Born
Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek! Let’s be strong, and strengthen one another!