

Bullying and Name Calling

In his anger, Moses uses a destructive label for his people in public.

Appreciating What You Have

An important part of being content is to stop comparing ourselves to others.

Reason is Lost in Anger

In his anger, Moses had lost his reason and knowledge of the law.

Actions Have Consequences

Every action we take produces a reaction.


Like the Israelites, we too have much to be thankful for in our lives

To Everything There Is a Season

Just as our words can bring joy they can also bring pain

Lying, Stay Far Away

Avoid actions you may need to lie about.

Listening, or Really Hearing

It can often be difficult to truly hear what others are saying to us.


Moses was a confident leader but a humble man.

Do Not Be Locked In the Past

We must remember the past and learn from it without constantly reliving emotions and experiences that have long since passed.

Free Will

There is always a choice to be made.

When Should Patience Trump Passion?

Like Moses, we need to transform our natural impulses into something higher.
