

Haftarah for Yitro

Isaiah's initiation as a prophet.

Haftarah for Mishpatim

Jewish slavery and Jewish ethics.

Haftarah for Tetzaveh

The altar in the Temple.

Haftarah for Ki Tisa

Elijah takes on Ahab and worshippers of Baal.

Haftarah for Vaera

A prophecy of destruction for Egypt.

Haftarah for Beshalach

Deborah leads a nation in war and sings a victory song.

Haftarah for Bo

Jeremiah taunts the Egyptians.

Self-Interest and Solidarity

There are many motivators for fighting injustice.

Haftarah for Shemot

Promises of hope, threats of destruction.

Haftarah for Vayechi

David's parting words to his son Solomon.

Haftarah for Miketz

Wisdom and how to wield it.

Haftarah for Vayigash

Ezekiel promises: The divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel will one day be united.
