

Parashat Vayigash: Summary

With video commentary from BimBam.

Parashat Bereshit: Summary

A summary of the first portion of the Torah.

Parashat Noach: Summary

A flood destroys all living creatures, aside from Noah, his family and the animals in their ark.

Parashat Vayishlach: Summary

With a video commentary from Bim Bam.

Parashat Vayeshev: Summary

With a video commentary from BimBam.

Where Was Sarah?

Sarah's death illustrates the flaw of attempting to impose perfect justice on an imperfect world.

I Kings 8:2-21: Solomon Builds the First Temple

The Haftarah (prophetic reading) for the second day of Sukkot

Leviticus 22:26-23:44: Divinely Ordained Festivals

The Torah reading for the first two days of Sukkot
