Jewish Texts
Parashat Vayishlach: Honoring the Best of Jacob
This Torah portion interperses multiple momentous encounters with the divine realm with a series of fraught incidents between humans.
Parashat Vayetzei: Leah’s Hidden Blessing
Why does the Torah specifically mention the "weak eyes" of the matriarch Leah?
Parashat Toldot: Opening the Conversation
This portion records the first instance in the Torah of someone initiating a dialogue with God.
Chayei Sarah: The Reverberations of Familial Violence
The lingering trauma of Isaac’s near-sacrifice is felt in his relationship with his wife Rebecca and in the generations that follow.
Parashat Vayera: The Uniqueness of the Binding of Isaac
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son should be seen as a unique situation never to be repeated.
Lech-Lecha: In Praise of Holy Discomfort
A lesson in the role of discomfort in fomenting social change.
Parashat Noach: How Societies Collapse
The story of the flood is an object lesson in the kinds of crimes that pose existential social threats.
Parashat Bereshit: Being Like God
The banishing of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden marks the beginning of humanity’s path to fulfilling its destiny.
God is Suffering
A close read of four biblical verses offers a powerful insight into one of the most challenging questions religion has to answer.
Will the Real Esther Please Stand Up?
The heroine of the Purim story is portrayed in contradictory ways in the biblical book that bears her name.
Jonah: The Apathetic Prophet
The real message of the story we read on Yom Kippur isn't about the power of repentance, but about taking responsibility for others.
Ecclesiastes and the Quest for Truth
Approaching this enigmatic work as a statement of philosophy -- rather than an account of one man's search -- has confounded commentators across the centuries.