Jewish Texts
Prophets (Nevi’im)
Nevi’im (the Prophets section of the Bible) presents Israel's history as a nation on its land.
The Tosafot
The Tosafists continued the conversation with their glosses on the text of the Talmud.
Hasidic Movement: A History
This Orthodox spiritual revivalist movement emerged in 18th-century Eastern Europe.
Rabbinic and Post-Rabbinic Divorce
Over time the rabbis increased the wife's power in a marriage, yet maintained the absolute right of the husband to grant a divorce.
Divorce in the Bible
Biblical divorce law provided some protection for women by setting limits on a man's absolute power to divorce.
Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World
This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.
The Many Faces of King David
David was a warrior and an artist, a lover and an adulterer — and also Israel's greatest king.
King Solomon
Son of King David, builder of the Temple, author of three biblical works and the wisest of men, Solomon looms large in Jewish tradition — and beyond.
The Psalm To Read Before Rosh Hashanah
Why is Psalm 27 an important part of the spiritual preparation for the High Holidays?
Eco-Kashrut: Standards for What and How We Eat
Incorporating environmental concerns into to the Jewish dietary laws.
The Book of Job: A Whirlwind of Confusion
An ambiguous divine speech is the subject of great scholarly debate.