Jewish Texts
The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side
Like Sarah, we must realize that envy leads us to make poor choices and treat others unfairly.
How Hard Should We Discipline Our Children?
When guiding our children, we need to find a balance between extreme measures and more cautious ones.
Hillel and Shammai
Two weeks ago I posted a piece responding to some articles on patrilineality which provoked several excellent other blog posts ...
Patrilineal Pandemonium: What’s Behind All The Emotion?
Wow. It has been quite a busy week here at the Rabbis Without Borders blog discussing patrilineal descent and its ...
Patrilineal Descent: Why This Rabbi Feels No Angst
This past week, two of my Rabbis Without Borders colleagues have shared their perspectives and struggles with the religious identities ...
Patrilineal Jewish Descent: An Open Orthodox Approach
This week there has been much conversation online and offline on the Jewish status of people of patrilineal Jewish descent. ...
The Non-Jewish Rabbi? The Problem of Patrilineal Descent
Two articles posted earlier this week made reference to an individual who had been born to a Jewish father and ...
Parashat Re’eh: Observe That Which I Enjoin Upon You
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
Researching God
Theist? Atheist? Agnostic?Don’t answer until you’ve done some rigorous research.That’s right, research: with a method, literature review, experimental design, data ...