Jewish Texts


Shiva Prohibitions Embody Depersonalization

The specific prohibitions on mourners during the shiva period reflect the mourner's sense of estrangement from the life force.

Haftarah for Sh’lach

Two spies tour Jericho.

Science and the Talmud

The Talmudic approach to the sciences, from astronomy to botany.

Copyright Protection in Jewish Law

In recent centuries, Jewish law has developed tools for regulating the rights to intellectual property.

Haftarah for Behar

Jeremiah purchases a field in Anathoth.

Haftarah for Bechukotai

Divine punishment is real.

Haftarah for Kedoshim

On chosenness and holiness.

Parashat Emor Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Haftarah for Achrei Mot

Jerusalem is a bloody mess.

Haftarah for Tazria

The prescription for holy psoriasis.

Haftarah for Parashat Emor

Regulations for the Zadokite priests.

Haftarah for Metzora

Four lepers save the Israelite camp.
