Jewish Texts


The Man Who Forbade Sadness

Kabbalistic tales of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

The Origins of Jewish Performance

From Prohibition to Precedent.

Theatre in the Nazi Concentration Camps

Creativity and resistance in Dachau and Buchenwald.

Elevation or Obstacle?

The mountain in this week's Torah portion can be a place of spiritual growth or an impediment.

Inclusivity and Access

Reckoning with the exclusion of those with disabilities and illnesses from the Temple service.

Catch the Rhythm

The Jewish holidays can help those on the periphery gain access to the rhythm of Jewish life.

The Strangers in the Camp

Both the Israelite and the stranger are given equal status in the sacrificial cult.

Leper as Other

How to create a society that recognizes and meets the needs of ill and marginalized people.

Making Room for the Leper

When we embrace with one hand but push away with the other, it's the push that remains in lasting memory.

The Eternal Light

The sacrifices teach us about constancy in relating to God.

Judaism and Justice

The Jewish passion to repair the world.

Abraham Isaac Kook on Evolution

How evolutionary theory supports a mystical worldview.
