Jewish Texts


Haftarah for Ha’Azinu: Summary

David calls to God in a song...and God answers.

Haftarah for Nitzavim: Summary

Isaiah offers a hopeful anticipation of redemption.

Haftarah for Ki Teitzei: Summary

Israel, likened to a barren woman, is promised countless children.

Haftarah for Parashat Shoftim: Summary

Through Isaiah, God extends a note of condolence.

Haftarah for Re’eh

God promises to rebuild and restore Zion.

Haftarah for Eikev

Isaiah consoles the exiled nation of Israel.

Haftarah for Ki Tavo: Summary

Today may be dark, but tomorrow, God's light will shine on His people.

Parashat Vaetchanan Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Haftarah for Vaetchanan

Finally, some words of comfort for Jerusalem and its people.

Haftarah for Devarim

Isaiah charges the people with rebellion against God.

Haftarah for Masei

A prophecy of destruction that is rife with metaphor.


How she waited and prayed patiently for a child and was rewarded.
