Jewish Texts


Halakhot Pesukot, Halakhot Gedolot

Major books of halakhot from the geonic period.

Sefer ha-She’iltot

The first halakhic code.

Chabad Messianism

Messianism in Chabad-Lubavitch challenges Jews of all denominations to consider the limits of Jewish theology.

Sifra and Sifre

Legal midrash on Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Avot d’Rabbi Natan

A companion volume to Pirkei Avot.

The Methodology of Brisk

Rabbi Hayim of Brisk revolutionized Talmud study--and his method remains dominant today.

The Tzaddik, or Rebbe

A Hasidic spiritual leader believed to maintain a channel to God.

Shneur Zalman of Liady

Founder of the Chabad school of Hasidism.

Rabbenu Tam

The grandson of Rashi and leader of medieval French Jewry.

The Theology of Chabad

The problem of divine withdrawal inspires an alternate view of the universe.

Abraham Ibn Ezra

A master Torah commentator who foreshadowed biblical criticism

The Activism of Abraham

The lives of Abraham and Job provide us with two models for confronting poverty.
