Jewish Texts



Numbers 22:2-25:9


Numbers 33:1-36:13


Numbers 30:2-32:42


Numbers 19:1-22:1


Numbers 1:1-4:20


Numbers 8:1-12:16

Parashat Matot: Summary

Moses describes the laws of oaths; the Israelites battle the Midianites; the tribes of Reuben and Gad request to dwell outside of the Land of Israel.

To See With The Heart

The daughters of Zelophchad teach us to see people not as objects in our lives but as subjects of their own lives.

Green Spaces: A World Not Of Our Making

The Levites' city dwellings remind us of the importance of green, agricultural spaces for encountering God's creation.

Parashat Nitzavim: Summary

Moses describes the Covenant between God and the Israelites, urging the Israelites to uphold the Covenant and honor the Torah so that they may be rewarded with life in the land of Israel.

Parashat Ki Teitzei: Summary

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality.

Parashat Shoftim: Summary

Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice, the rules of kingship, their relationship to idolatrous nations, and the rules of doing battle.
