Jewish Texts


Orthodox Judaism & Halakhah

Orthodox Views on Halakhah. Views on Halakhah. Halakhah in Jewish Daily Life and Practice. Jewish Life.

Reform Judaism & Halakhah

Seeking guidance from the Jewish legal tradition, without a belief in its binding nature—especially in light of contemporary moral sensitivies.

How The Bible Differs from Other Religious Texts of Its Time

Go with Gilgamesh, but lose the animal livers.

Abraham as a Historical Figure

What cultural, textual, and archaeological sources can tell us about this patriarch

Parashat Masei: Summary

The sons of Reuben and Gad have promised Moses that they will help the other tribes settle the Promised Land before settling across the River Jordan.

Hardened Hearts: Some Explanations

Medieval commentators suggested justifications for God's hardening Pharaoh's heart.

Ruth and Lovingkindness

Rabbinic tradition sees her as a virtuous woman who is rewarded for her behavior.

The Church and the Jews

A survey of Church issues relevant to Jews, including papal attitudes and actions and the enactments of ecclesiastical councils

The Talmud on Trial

Medieval Jewish-Christian disputations.

The Almohads

The seizure of power in the Maghreb by a fanatical sect disrupted the relations between Muslims and Jews.

People of the Book

Muslim-Jewish relations in the Middle Ages.

Ruth and the Holocaust

The Book of Ruth takes on new significance in modern times.
