Jewish Texts
Parashat Vayeilech: Summary
Moses concludes his speech to the Israelites, blesses Joshua, and instructs the community to gather every seven years to read publicly from the Torah; God predicts the eventual straying of the Israelites.
Parashat Ha’azinu: Summary
Moses recites a song to the Children of Israel that testifies to their covenant with God.
Parashat Re’eh: Summary
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding idolatry, false prophets, clean and unclean foods, tithes, freeing slaves, and the pilgrimage festivals.
Parashat Eikev: Summary
Moses continues his speech to the Israelites, reminding them to keep God's commandments when they enter the land of Israel.
Parashat Ki Tavo: Summary
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding the first fruit offering; Moses then lists the blessings for keeping the commandments and the punishments for disobeying them.
Parashat Vaetchanan: Summary
Moses stresses to the Israelites the importance of keeping God's commandments when they enter the land of Israel; Moses repeats the 10 Commandments and utters the Shema and V'ahavta.
Parashat Devarim: Summary
Moses recounts to the Israelites episodes from the 40 years in the wilderness; he encourages the Israelites in their upcoming conquest of the land of Canaan.
Abraham Abulafia & Ecstatic Kabbalah
One strand of medieval kabbalah focused on achieving a transformative mystical experience.
Reinterpreting Mysticism and Messianism
Yehuda Liebes has revolutionized our understanding of the Zohar and underscored the relationship between kabbalah and Christianity.