Jewish Texts


Parashat Vayechi: Summary

On his deathbed, Jacob blesses his sons and asks them to bury him in Canaan.

Parashat Vayigash: Summary

With video commentary from BimBam.

Parashat Miketz: Summary

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact with his brothers again.

Parashat Vayishlach: Summary

With a video commentary from Bim Bam.

Parashat Vayeshev: Summary

With a video commentary from BimBam.

Educating Against Egypt

Through his experiences with his nephew Lot, Abraham learns valuable parenting skills.

Maimonides on the Six Orders of the Mishnah

The sequence of the six orders follows the precedent of Scripture

Where Was Sarah?

Sarah's death illustrates the flaw of attempting to impose perfect justice on an imperfect world.

The Duality And Unpredictability Of Human Nature

The creation of humans and our variability expressed in Bereshit present us with endless choices and challenges for how to live our lives.

Classical Understandings of Mitzvot and their Reasons

The rabbinic sages and later philosophers and mystics offered many ways to categorize the mitzvot and explain their significance.

I Kings 8:2-21: Solomon Builds the First Temple

The Haftarah (prophetic reading) for the second day of Sukkot
