Jewish Texts



Exodus 6:2-9:35

Parashat Terumah: Summary

God instructs Moses to collect gifts from the Israelites in order to build a Tabernacle so that God can dwell among the people; God describes to Moses the vessels and structures that comprise the Tabernacle.

Parashat Vayakhel: Summary

The Israelites bring so many materials for the construction of the Tabernacle that Moses tells them to stop; Bezalel and Oholiab, gifted craftspeople, construct the elements of the Tabernacle.

Parashat Ki Tisa: Summary

God continues describing the Tabernacle to Moses; the people worship the Golden Calf, Moses pleads on their behalf, and God forgives them.

Parashat Mishpatim: Summary

Moses informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and God.

Preparing To Receive God’s Message

Unlike the first tablets, the second tablets, which were hewn by human hands, endured.

Holiness in Time, Not Only in Space

We are often blind to the dimension that lacks physical substance, and that can lead to enslavement to things.

Parashat Yitro: Summary

Jethro, Moses' father-in-law suggests a system for establishing lower courts to settle disputes; God speaks the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel amidst fire, smoke, and the sound of the shofar.

Parashat Bo: Summary

God brings the final three plagues on the Egyptians; the Israelites leave Egypt and receive the commandment to observe Passover.

Parashat Vaera: Summary

Through Moses and Aaron, God brings plagues on the Egyptians, and Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to allow the Israelites to leave.

Hasidic Mysticism

Hasidism spread mystical ideas to the masses of East-European Jewry.
