Jewish Texts


Parashat Lech-Lecha: Summary

Abram and Sarai follow God's call to journey to Canaan, where the covenant between God and Abraham is affirmed.

Parashat Bereshit: Summary

A summary of the first portion of the Torah.

Avoiding Confrontation And Responsibility

Judah's plea to Joseph marks his transition into claiming responsibility and facing the consequences of his actions.

Parashat Noach: Summary

A flood destroys all living creatures, aside from Noah, his family and the animals in their ark.

The God Of Isaac

As Jacob descends to Egypt he calls on the God of Isaac to assure him that this decision is correct.

Reminders Of Love

Like Judah's approach to Joseph, the people of Israel must sometimes remind God of our unique commitment to one another.

Feeling Another’s Pain

As God promises to accompany Jacob into exile, we learn that sometimes the challenge of being fully present and sharing in someone's pain is greater than relieving their suffering.

Parashat Vayechi: Summary

On his deathbed, Jacob blesses his sons and asks them to bury him in Canaan.

Parashat Vayigash: Summary

With video commentary from BimBam.

Parashat Miketz: Summary

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact with his brothers again.

Parashat Vayishlach: Summary

With a video commentary from Bim Bam.

Parashat Vayeshev: Summary

With a video commentary from BimBam.
