

How a Baby is Made

How is a baby made? More specifically, what determines the future characteristics of the child? One answer emerges from the ...

How Do the Rabbis in the Talmud Address Rape?

With the deplorable situation in Santa Clara (the Stanford rape case), there has recently been a media focus on rape. ...

What the Stanford Rape Case Can Teach Us

Like a great many others have over these past few days, I have read the incredibly powerful letter written by ...

The Rebbetzin

At the far end of the town of Tiflus, in a small house built upon the foundations of Torah, piety, ...

Take a Stand: Don’t Let Religion Become a Weapon

In Pirkei Avot 2:10 we are taught that Rabbi Eliezer said, יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך “Let your neighbor’s dignity be precious ...

Words Matter

Last night, as the Republican debate began, a Facebook friend wrote that she was having her own internal debate about ...

Approaching “Niddah” with Radical Openness

I am learning the laws of niddah, laws that relate to menstruation and sexuality, with a group of women. It has ...

Why Are The Bathroom Breaks of Presidential Candidates Newsworthy?

I’ll be honest. I am both fascinated and horrified by many of the daily updates in these still early stages ...

Should Hanukkah Be The Jewish Christmas?

As the calendar flips to December, nightfall comes ever earlier, and many of us don our winter coats for the ...

From Greatness Comes Mercy

I recently began studying a new book with my chevruta (study partner), Musar HaTorah v’aYahadut, written by Rabbi Aharon Shmuel ...

An Interesting Jewish “Jeopardy” Champ

Passover is the eight-day Jewish holiday in which we ask questions at the seder table. For one quirky Jewish guy ...

How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...
